bluebird hypnobirthing about

A Brief Introduction

Hello, my name is Bev Partington and I am a KG Hypnobirthing Teacher and retired midwife. I would love to share with you my in-depth knowledge of the birth process, which I have gained over the last 36 years as a practising midwife.
I have retained a strong passion for promoting birth as a natural and very special event. I truly believe that hypnobirthing can make a difference to a mother’s experience of giving birth and helps her give baby the best possible start in life. I have certificates and experience in counselling, debrief, supporting long term breastfeeding, along with teaching relaxation, active birth and antenatal/parent education. Whilst I believe most mothers have the ability to have a natural birth, I also value women’s choices and the role of clinical practitioners in keeping mums and babies safe.

KG Hypnobirthing gives a woman confidence in her intuition and her body for birth. My course includes a full Antenatal Education programme which equips the mother with a sound knowledge of birth and empowers her to make the best choices for her and baby, supported by current evidence and fact. Parents are taught how to best achieve a natural birth through relaxation, breathing, visualisation and massage techniques which promote a calm, comfortable and positive birth experience.

Please call or email me to find out more. I am happy to answer any questions or discuss your personal needs

I am also thrilled to be introducing the Online Guided Spinning Babies Parent Class to pregnant couples and singles. This 3 hour course, over 2 sessions, is new to the UK and will greatly compliment your Antenatal, Hypnobirthing and Parenting Preparation.
I have observed how modern day lifestyles can negatively affect physiological , psychological and functional health, often causing pregnancy concerns and birth challenges. The Spinning Babies approach has excited me for some years and as a Certified Parent Class Educator, I am keen to help local women practically integrate Spinning Babies ethos and techniques into their pregnancy and labour plans. I will help you feel confident in using these techniques at home and in your chosen birth place and will assist you in finding ways to best gain the support of your midwife and Maternity Care Provider.

Please contact me for more information or to book a session… hoping to hear from you!

For more information about Spinning Babies please visit the official Spinning Babies website: